Munch Gallery

I am pleased to announce that I am now collaborating with Munch Gallery in New York City. A solo exhibition is in the planning, fall 2013.

At the moment, prints are available in the gallery.

More info about Munch Gallery here.

big general

The General

pencil on paper, 200 X 150 cm, 2011

New etchings available @ Susanne Ottesen

I’ve worked on a series of prints at Niels Borch Jensen’s workshop in Copenhagen over the summer. The series consists of 10 new prints and is entitled Deep Purple Rain.
Edition of 24 + 4 E.A.
It is available through Galleri Susanne Ottesen in Copenhagen and will ship to Munch Gallery, NYC, this fall.

This print: untitled from the Deep Purple Rain series, plate 24 X 17 cm, paper 48 X 39 cm, edition of 24 + 4 E.A., 2012

New prints @ Niels Borch Jensen’s showroom

MORTEN SCHELDE First Friday October 5 17-20
Schelde is in the print shop working and talking form 18-20.
We show his new etchings in the Showroom

Prags Boulevard 49 E 11
2300 Copenhagen, Denmark