“27 Scenes”

Solo show in “The Locker Room”, new works at Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Århus, Denmark. Opening October 4, 16-19. 2019

04/10 2019 – 23/11 2019

Charlotte Fogh Gallery is pleased to present new works by Morten Schelde in the gallery’s Locker Room. The exhibition draws together some of Schelde’s most characteristic motifs and presents drawings of architecture, interiors and landscapes in the monochrome colors that characterize Schelde’s works.

Schelde says the following on his works: “The drawings are a way of feeling my own presence in the world. I draw therefore I am. Sometimes it’s heavy like a Bergman drama, other times the images feel like friendly postcards to the world.

Stamp for Post Nord

I have produced a series of six stamps for the Danish postal service.
The title is “Trying to touch the Sun”.
To be released on September 19, 2019, at the Enigma Museum of Communication, further info to follow.

Poster for Betty Nansen Teatret

Available at Format Art Space (link)

Visible through Glass, a Voice in your Head

Ink and pencil on paper, 100 X 80 cm, 2019

I’m not sure what it means, it keeps changing, yet stays the same

Ink and pencil on paper, 180 X 182 cm, 2019

Enter Art Fair

“I’m not sure what it means, it keeps changing, yet stays the same” installed at Enter Art Fair with Hans Alf Gallery, August 29.- September 1. 2019
Ink and pencil on paper, 180 X 182 cm, 2019

“Au Hollandaise” at Zeuthens Gård, Copenhagen

The piece revealed at Zeuthens Gård August 16. 2019. It’s on permanent display in the cantina of the office hotel.
Ink and pencil on paper, 150 X 250 cm.