Reception / Format Art Space

Mathilde Walter Clark and I have made a book together, published by Atelier Clot, reknown printer in Paris.

Mathilde and I are launching the book on Thursday September 12 from 16-18 at Format Art Space, Nansensgade 35 in Copenhagen.

The book is entitled “The City – the Houses – the Faces”.
Mathilde has written a text that accomplished my eight original lithographic prints. The prints can etiher be kept in the book, or taken out for individual framing.

Further info :

The price is dkr. 6000 incl. vat.

The Eternal

Show at Tegners Museum

Opening 12. April 2024

Further info :

New book out : The Alphabet of Drawing

On August 24 2023, a book on my work is published by

It is available in my webshop:

Versions in English and Danish.

Press from Booklab, in Danish:

DKK 395.00

Lanceres d. 24.08.2023

Vidt forskellige verdener mødes i Morten Scheldes billeder. De kolliderer, invaderer hinandens rum eller sameksisterer i en sær harmoni, som undergraver virkelighedens faste grundlag.

Kunstnermonografien Tegningens Alfabet er en gennemgang af Morten Scheldes virke fra 1990’erne og frem til i dag suppleret af tekster af kunsthistorikerne Mads Damsbo, Camilla Jalving og Lise Pennington.

lanceres: 24.08.2023
kunstner: Morten Schelde
sideantal: 216
format: 228 x 300 mm
indbinding: garnhæftet halvbind med trimmet snit og forside
papir: 150 gr. Munken Polar Rough, 120 gr. Rainbow Yellow
ISBN: 9788794091251

Grafisk design af K Grafik, Michael Jensen.
Med tekster af Camila Jalving, Lise Pennington og Mads Damsbo.

Vråudstillingen : Grey Lighthouse & House of Green

I have become a member of the artists’ group Vråudstillingen, an association of artist, formed in 1942 in Northern Jutland. Vråudstillingen makes an annual exhibition at Engelundsamlingen in the town of Vrå.
My contribution this year is two large ink paintings on paper, each measuring 240 X 480 cm.
They were created in my studio in 2022.
Last day is August 27, 2023.

More info here :

Album cover for The Raveonettes : Rip it Off

The Raveonettes released an album celebrating the 20th anniversary of their debut album.
This new verison features cover versions of the original eight songs. The songs are covered by artist such as Anton Newcombe, Glasvegas, Dave Gahan & Kurt Uenala, Mø, Brimheim, The Black Angels, Trentemøller and Prisma.
I did individual drawings for both digital singles and the album released on vinyl, as well as hand texting everything for the releases.

The album is out on Crunchy Frog Records.

Under the Blue Silver Sky

Solo show coming up at Charlotte Fogh Gallery in Århus.
Open June 9 2023 -> August

New works

Charlotte Fogh Gallery
Aaboulevarden 43C
8000 Aarhus C

A list of available works here :


A selction of my recent lithographies are on show at the new cafe and bakery Saxild in Skagen.
Make sure to drop by for a treat made of local produce !

New lithograpies …

… printed and published by Atelier Clot, Paris.

Check it out here :

New etchings in my webshop

I have published a new batch of line ethcings in cooporation with Michael Schäfer’s Print Workshop in Copenhagen.
Follow this link to see them all:

New lithos on the way

I have been working at Atelier Clot in Paris in december 2022, and look forward to presenting the new lithographies to you some time soon ! I expect them online in January 2023.

Meanwhile, I suggest to take a look at my webshop :

I have gone through the drawers in the studio, and found some real gems that I thought were sold out. But there’s still some older prints left. At very fair prices, even !

House of Light & Dark

I am currently showing some very large ink paintings in our gallery in Skagen, Rank Gallery // Schelde Studio, which I run with my wife Jeanne Rank.
The exhibition is open by appointment on Skråvej 6, 9990 Skagen, Denmark

“House at Dawn”

Solo exhibition at Hans Alf Gallery
New drawings
Opening 16/9-2022

further info:

New lithography in my webshop

“House at Dusk”
69 X 84 cm, edition of 120, 2022
Published by Edition Copenhagen.

Link to my webshop :

New lithography in the webshop

“House at Dawn”
100 X 69 cm, edition of 120, 2022
Published by Edition Copenhagen.

Link to my webshop :

Rank Gallery // Schelde Studio

My wife Jeanne and I have opened a small gallery in Skagen, along with my studio. Please come visit if in Skagen! We are selling mainly my graphic works.
The adress is Skråvej 6 F (just behind the florist on the high street), 9990 Skagen.

I should be there working from week 29, 2022 and most working days. If you want to make sure I’m there, send me an email :

“The Great Big Winter Show”

Groupshow, artists of the gallery

Opens at Hans Alf Gallery
Friday January 14, 2022 6-7 pm

I contribute eight recent works.

Schelde Art Shop

My recent lithographies are available here. When buying here, you are buying directly from me.


“Windows” at Arnstedt

My third solo show at Galleri Arnstedt, Östre Karup (near Båstad), Sweden, opens on September 4, 2021.
The show features works mainly produced during the third lock down in Denmark, the springtime of 2021. All pencil and ink on paper.

Enter Art Fair

With Hans Alf Gallery on Enter Art Fair, Copenhagen 2021
The gallery featured and sold a set of twin works at the art fair, Inside/Outside 1&2, both 150X120 cm, pencil and ink on paper, 2021


“Waterworld” on show at Galerie Hartwich, Rügen, Germany
2. July -> 5. September 2021

Beyond – Grand opening and 15-year anniversary exhibition

At Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Århus

Featuring new works by:

Martin Bigum, Eske Kath, Rose Eken, Anders Bonnesen, Søren Behncke, Morten Schelde, Tina Maria Nielsen, HuskMitNavn, Iben Toft Nørgård, Kaspar Bonnén, Julie Nord, Katja Bjørn, Lene Desmentik, Julie Stavad, Villiam Miklos Andersen, Hanne Nielsen & Birgit Johnsen, Andreas Schulenburg, Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Birgit Bjerre and Holger Højbjerg.

About the exhibition

“Beyond” is the first exhibition in Charlotte Fogh Gallery’s new premises on Aaboulevarden in Aarhus. The exhibition can currently be seen through the windows from the street.

The exhibition marks the gallery’s 15th anniversary and is a group exhibition with completely new works by both new and established artists who have followed the gallery until today.

The exhibition shows a great variety of paintings, sculptures, video art, drawings and mixed media entirely in the spirit that has characterized the gallery since its opening in 2006.

The works will be continuously rotated during the exhibition period, so that new works of art will be presented in the gallery’s front room, which you will be able to follow from street level.

We look forward to opening the gallery again, but until then please stop by the gallery and explore the exhibition through the windows.

Drawing and limited edition print for Gyldendal

Gyldendal publishers in Copenhagen commissioned me to do a drawing on the occassion of their 250th anniversary. The drawing was reproduced as a Fine Art Print for 300 employees.

The room I’ve depicted is the famed ante-chamber, where you’d imagine the young authors waiting, sweat in their hands, to meet their editor.

Ocean of Time v.2

On show at Hans Alf Gallery, Copenhagen 27. November -> 9. January 2021

Installation photo, Faaborg Museum 2020

Photo by Andreas Bastiansen

Ocean of Time etching

Ocean of Time
Etching, 50 X 35 cm (plate: 31,5 X 23,5 cm)
Edition of 16, numbered and signed, 2020

Published by Printers Proof, Valby, Denmark

Ocean of Time

Solo show at Faaborg Museum, Denmark
Opens September 12, on show untill November 15 2020.

Image : “Ocean of Time II (2020)”, pencil and ink on paper, 150 X 200 cm, 2020

Press release (in Danish only):

Udstillingen Ocean of Time er en rejse gennem tid og rum. Billedkunstneren Morten Schelde (f. 1972) tegner sig – bogstavelig talt og i overført betydning – ind i Faaborg Museums historiske udstillingslokaler i Konservesgårdens lejlighed.

Virkeligheden set gennem tegningens prisme

Tegnekunsten har over de sidste 150 år rykket sig fra primært at være et skitsemateriale til at være et kunstnerisk felt med selvstændige og betydningsfulde kunstværker. Morten Schelde er med sin kunstneriske praksis en fremtrædende og væsentlig repræsentant for tegningen som medie og teknik i dag. Med udstillingen Ocean of Time præsenterer han helt nye værker.

Morten Scheldes motivkreds bevæger sig inden for det velkendte med scener af hjemlige omgivelser og interiørbilleder med forlæg i fotografiske motiver. I Scheldes tegninger tilføjes de genkendelige og intime hverdagsscenarier et uvirkeligt lag, der trækker tråde til kunsthistorien, litteratur, musik, film og teater. Motiverne udspringer af virkelighedsudsnit, der iscenesættes: Det konkrete interiør møder drømmen. Gennem tegningen forskyder Schelde virkeligheden og forbinder den med en indre forestillingsverden, der inviterer os, som beskuere, til at udforske den velkendte virkelighed på ny.

Oceaner af streger

Morten Schelde indtager med udstillingen Ocean of Time Faaborg Museums herskabslejlighed i Konservesgården. Lejligheden var museets stifter og mæcen Mads Rasmussens private hjem indtil ideen om Faaborg Museum opstod. Mads Rasmussen var konservesfabrikant, og med sin succesrige virksomhed finansierede han Faaborg Museum. Fra 1910 fungerede hans lejlighed som de første udstillingslokaler indtil museumsbygningen til Fynboernes kunst, tegnet af arkitekten Carl Petersen, bliver indviet i 1915. I udstillingen Ocean of Time går Morten Schelde i dialog med Faaborg Museum i en række nye værker, hvor samtid og fortid – virkelighed og drøm – forbindes gennem stregen.

Udstillingen er tilrettelagt og udført i samarbejde med kunstneren.

Om kunstneren

Morten Schelde (f. 1972) er uddannet ved Kunstakademiet i Odense og Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi i København (2001). Hans værker findes i flere museumssamlinger, heriblandt Statens Museum for Kunst, Arken og Louisiana. Sammen med ni andre danske samtidskunstnere har Morten Schelde udsmykket Kronprinsparrets bolig på Frederik VIII’s Palæ på Amalienborg (2010).

Morten Schelde er repræsenteret af Hans Alf Gallery i København.

Læs mere om Morten Schelde:

Paintings in Paintings – groupshow at Monteverita, Paris

May 28 – July 18.
2 rue des Petits Père 75002 Paris.
With works by :
Maurice Antony
Marcella Barceló
Pierre Bellot
Elvire Bonduelle
Matthew Cole
Caroline Corbasson
Anne Deleporte
Sofia De Moser Leitão
Gisèle Freund
Tino Gelli
Arthur Grosbois
Frédérique Loutz
Kevin Perkins
James Rielly
Morten Schelde
Raphael Sitbon
Alexandre Trauner
Justin Williams
Curated by John Ferrère.

Further info :

New lithographs published by Edition Copenhagen

“I’m not sure what it means, it keeps changing yet stays the same”
Lithograph, 99 X 67 cm, edition 120 + 12 ap, 2020
Available from Format Art Space

“Ocean of Time”

One man show at Faaborg Museum, Denmark – opening 8/8 – 2020
New drawings. Save the date!

“27 Scenes”

Solo show in “The Locker Room”, new works at Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Århus, Denmark. Opening October 4, 16-19. 2019

04/10 2019 – 23/11 2019

Charlotte Fogh Gallery is pleased to present new works by Morten Schelde in the gallery’s Locker Room. The exhibition draws together some of Schelde’s most characteristic motifs and presents drawings of architecture, interiors and landscapes in the monochrome colors that characterize Schelde’s works.

Schelde says the following on his works: “The drawings are a way of feeling my own presence in the world. I draw therefore I am. Sometimes it’s heavy like a Bergman drama, other times the images feel like friendly postcards to the world.

Stamp for Post Nord

I have produced a series of six stamps for the Danish postal service.
The title is “Trying to touch the Sun”.
To be released on September 19, 2019, at the Enigma Museum of Communication, further info to follow.

Poster for Betty Nansen Teatret

Available at Format Art Space (link)

Enter Art Fair

“I’m not sure what it means, it keeps changing, yet stays the same” installed at Enter Art Fair with Hans Alf Gallery, August 29.- September 1. 2019
Ink and pencil on paper, 180 X 182 cm, 2019

“Au Hollandaise” at Zeuthens Gård, Copenhagen

The piece revealed at Zeuthens Gård August 16. 2019. It’s on permanent display in the cantina of the office hotel.
Ink and pencil on paper, 150 X 250 cm.

Interview in Børsen (in Danish), August 2019


Documentation of “Honeymoon” by Lene Bach-Lauritsen and Morten Schelde
Schelde : “Red Noise Meditation”, branches painted and suspended with nylon wires, 2014-19
Bach-Lauritsen : “Rock Formations”, plaster, 2019
Schelde & Bach-Lauritsen : “What Kind of Honeymoon is that?”, LED light suspended, 300X48 cm, 2019

Photos by Julie Nymann


Installation art
with Lene Bach-Lauritsen in Carlsbergbyens Galleri & Kunstsalon
Opening 3. May 2019 1730-2030

Pasteursvej 3, Copenhagen V

More details to follow

Drawing Attention

Den Frie, 12/4-22/5 2019


I made the cover of Asger Techaus new album:

“Drawing attention”

DRAWING ATTENTION – drawing on its own terms

April 13th – May 22th 2019.
Exhibition opening: Friday April 12th from 5 PM – 8 PM.

DRAWING ATTENTION is an exhibition with its finger on the pulse of drawing today – a fresh take on the current revitalisation of drawing as an independent field of art with unique tactile qualities. With an unabashed dedication to the analogue, drawing forms the basis and conceptual focus of DRAWING ATTENTION. The exhibition has been created by the artists’ association Den Frie Udstilling, headed by artists Maria Finn and Peter Holst Henckel as curators. In addition to the association’s own artists, some of Denmark’s leading figures in the field have been invited to participate with works based on drawing in the widest possible sense of the term.

Whereas in the past drawing was a natural, technical point of departure for every young painter, graphic artist or sculptor, it is no longer a necessary discipline in the arts. Despite which, drawing continues to be a medium embraced by artists of every generation. During recent decades, the bodily and analogue have lost ground to touchscreens, digital technologies, and wireless communication, which might explain the revival of interest in more traditional techniques and media, and a growing appreciation of their tactile qualities. This is highly apparent in current contemporary art – perhaps as a backlash against the rampant digitalisation of society today. DRAWING ATTENTION delves into this shift, exploring drawing as an independent medium in its own right.

Maria Finn has worked with drawing for many years, and Peter Holst Henckel with a more conceptual approach to the potential of the medium.

Participating artists: Al Masson, Anette Abrahamsson, Ann Lislegaard, Anne Skole Overgaard, Asbjørn Skou, Camilla Berner, Cathrine Raben Davidsen, claus ejner, Cecilia Westerberg, Christian Lemmerz, Claus Carstensen, Elle Klarskov Jørgensen, Emil Westman Hertz, Ferdinand Ahm Krag, Fie Norsker, Freddie A. Lerche, Finn Naur Pedersen, Finn Reinbothe, Hannah Heilmann, Hein Heinsen, Henriette Heise, Henrik B. Andersen, Henrik Menné, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, HuskMitNavn, Jasper Sebastian Stürup, Jens Hüls Funder, John Olsen, Julie Nord, Jytte Høy, Jørgen Michaelsen, Karin Lind, Katya Sander, Kirsten Ortwed, Kristine Kemp, Lars Bent Petersen, Leif Kath, Lis Nogel, Maria Finn, Marie Søndergaard Lolk, Margrete Sørensen, Mette Gitz-Johansen, Mette Winckelman, Mikkel Carl, Milena Bonifacini, Morten Schelde, Morten Stræde, Nanna Riis Andersen, Nils Erik Gjerdevik, Ninna Poulsen, Pernille With Madsen, Peter Holst Henckel, Pia Rönicke, Rasmus Myrup, Signe Guttormsen, Sophia Kalkau, Sophie Dupont, Stense Andrea Lind-Valdan, Sys Hindsbo, Søren Jensen, Thorbjørn Lausten, Thorgej Steen Hansen, Torben Ebbesen, Yvette Brackman og Zven Balslev.

New original graphic prints available

I work with various printing houses to produce original graphic works.
The prints are original in the sense that the image is made specifically for the medium, as opposed to a reproduction of an existing image.
The posted image here is of me working on a lithographic stone at Atelier Clot in Paris in October 2018. (Photo: Lene Bach-Lauritsen)
I have produced a lot of lithographic prints, as well as copper etchings and a few silk screen prints and wood carvings.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working with several renown printing houses, including
Niels Borch Jensen Editions, Hostrup-Pedersen & Johansen, Edition Copenhagen, Printers Proof, Officin prints, all in Copenhagen, Hjørring Grafisk Værksted in Jutland and Atelier Clot in Paris. Also, I have produced several digital prints, made from drawings on the computer.

Most of my graphic work can be seen – and purchased – here :

Any questions about available graphic works can be directed at


Some of my available works can be seen at Artsy.


Since the late 90’s, Morten Schelde’s unmistakable pencil has
played a leading role on the
Danish art scene. His works are held in esteemed institutions such as the National Gallery of Denmark, Arken and Louisiana, he’s had numerous museum shows in Denmark and abroad, and in 2010 he was part of the elite group of artists, who decorated the Palace of Frederik VIII.
For the past couple of years, Schelde, who is most readily associated with intense, surreal, often monochrome drawings, has been preoccupied with painting, which became clear in his first solo show with Hans Alf Gallery, ”New Paintings” in 2017. Now, however, Schelde has returned to his paper and pencils with renewed vitality, poignancy and fantasy.
Art historian Cecilie Marie Dalhoff from Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg writes the following about Schelde’s new exhibition, Stages:
”In Morten Schelde’s artistic universe the medium of drawing is intended as a space for experiences and encounters. Within the frame of the artworks the stage is set for an inspiring mixture of past and present, unfolding in distinctive and personal interpretations of a life lived. Standing before one of Schelde’s visually powerful, multi-layered drawings we intuitively appreciate how the work of the hand bestows expression and meaning to the many repetitive everyday still-lifes, functioning between apparent normality and discreet catastrophe. The scenes depict a wide range of biting dichotomies as Schelde’s view on society seems to be torn between a lust for life and loss of trust, an extreme materialistic distress and a never-ending
happiness materialised in Danish Modern design. The exhibition partly takes its title from these acute and well-composed stages, which unfold before us almost true to life size and seem ready for us to explore. But something is not quite as it seems at first glance. The imagery appears distorted and characteristic.
In his predominantly monochrome depictions of the worlds of yesterday and today Schelde finds his motives in a mixture of vast amounts of non-chronological photographic material, which he, over the course of more than 20 years, has meticulously collected and transferred repeatedly until the motives have fallen into place in the right scale. The sum of the many autobiographical works takes us from Norway to Berlin and Ghana – from the stages of early childhood to life as an established artist. The works thus represent time gone by both in method and motive. The temporal aspect of the word ‘stage’ is from this perspective just as important as the work’s theatrical qualities.
The visible journey of the motive makes it possible for us to trace the images as they progress; as we view the various works in the exhibition we grasp the temporality embedded in the depicted scenes and the process. In a way the deserted scenes almost resemble used movie sets or theatre stages. The visible almost seems momentary and transitory in Schelde’s works, while the rampant process preceding it is invisible if not known. In the same way as putting something on stage in the theatre is akin to putting something under the light, rendering the invisible visible, realising an artistic concept, Schelde uses his drawings to shed light on a procession of familiar and intimate everyday stages and situations. Through this he focuses on the everyday drama of modern day family life and all the untold tales of society’s present day Odysseuses as well as looking back on his own background. It is therefore characteristic of and essential for Schelde’s work that the situations do not reveal their inhabitants. Instead the empty scenes open themselves up to their audience and allow each visitor to create their own narration. The exhibition thus becomes a testament to the significance of the lived life that for most of us contains a vast accumulation of seemingly ordinary situations that Schelde encapsulates and invites us to explore anew.”
STAGES opens on Friday February 22 and will be on view until March 30.

Catalogue available, including all artworks in the exhibition and text by Cecilie Marie Dalhoff.

More info : Hans Alf Gallery

“Drawing Nature”

at Sofiero Slot, near Hälsingborg, Sweden.
Featuring Morten Schelde, Jennie Ekström, Beata Boucht as well as drawings from the archives of The Drawing Museum in Laholm, Sweden.

Open to the public from 16. June – 16. September 2018

More info here : Sofiero Slot

Drawing Nature in the news

Artist’s book released 5. June

“Hjemme”, in English “At home”
48 pages, risoprinted and handbound by Louise Hold Sidenius /
Signed and numbered in an edition of 100.
Released June 5, 2018.
Price DKR 400
Avaiable from Hans Alf Gallery, Format Art Space,Officin and Louisiana bookstore.

Politikens Galleri

Solo show at Politikens Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark, opens 24th of May 2018

Installation photo by Julie Nymann

Commissioned work

Currently, I am working on a big commissioned drawing for the Police station in Næstved, Denmark. I did two pieces for the same station last year. Follow my instagram to follow the proces !

Nye Blikke (“New Looks”)

I will participate in a group show at legendary Danish artist Richard Winther’s house, opening 21st of April 2018. More info here:

The show will travel on to Kastrupgård Samlingen, near Copenhagen, opening 6th of June 2018. More info here:

Participating artists:

Peter Linde Busk, Mette Colberg, Christian Finne, Gudrun Hasle, Kaspar Oppen Samuelsen, Jeanette Hillig, Claus Hugo Nielsen, Morten Schelde, Rikke Benborg, Birgitte Støvring, Camilla Thorup, Anne Torpe, Lars Tygesen.

Market Art Fair, Stockholm

I will be showing a new series of works (drawings) with Hans Alf Gallery in the Market Art Fair in Stockholm, Sweden, April 12.-15. 2018. Along with my work, the gallery will present new works by Louise Hindsgavl.

End of the Line

Group show arranged by Morten Schelde and Nils Elvebæk Skalegård

Social media

Solo show in Århus

“Evolution Blues” at Charlotte Fogh Gallery, May 2016.
More info to follow.

Hans Alf Gallery

As of january 2016, I am represented by Hans Alf Gallery in Copenhagen.

Collaboration with Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Århus

My work is now available through Charlotte Fogh Gallery in Århus, Denmark.
I will produce a show in the gallery in 2016. As of now, my lithographs are available in the gallery and online.

Charlotte Fogh website

Over Stregen – sommerudstilling på Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Århus

Lars Nørgård, Lene Desmentik, Morten Schelde, Nanna Riis Andersen, Søren Behncke, Michael Swaney (Can)
29/5 – 15/8
Fernisering: Fredag d. 29/5 kl. 16-20
Sted: Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Mejlgade 18B, 8000 Århus C
Åbningstider: tirsdag – fredag kl. 12-17, lørdag kl. 12-16
Åbningstider under Art Weekend Aarhus: fredag kl 12-20, lørdag kl. 12-17

Stregen er helt fundamental – lige fra barnets første umiddelbare streg til kalkuleret håndværksmæssig kunnen. Uanset om det er stregen i sig selv eller som afsæt for andre kunstneriske udtryksformer, står stregen som noget af det mest personlige og markerende for en kunstner. Stregen indikerer både en begyndelse og en slutning – en linje imellem her og der, og i sproglig form som en demarkationslinje imellem hvad der er acceptabelt og hvad ikke. Stregen markerer et territorium – det samme gør vi, når vi ”slår en streg” eller ”går over stregen”!
Årets sommerudstilling, ”Over stregen” hos Charlotte Fogh Gallery, sætter fokus på et af de mest grundlæggende temaer inden for billedkunst nemlig tegningen. Fælles for de deltagende kunstnerne er netop, at stregen og tegningen er helt essentiel for deres kunst og danner grundlag for både fortællinger og abstraktion. Fra tegningen forplanter stregen sig til malerier, skulpturer, objekter og collager og løber som en tråd igennem udstillingen.
”Over stregen” viser nye værker af Lars Nørgård, Lene Desmentik, Morten Schelde, Nanna Riis Andersen, Søren Behncke og canadiske Michael Swaney.

For nærmere information og pressefotos mm. Kontakt venligst Charlotte Fogh Gallery:
Tlf: 29297105 / 25697105 email:

Med venlig hilsen
Charlotte Fogh
Charlotte Fogh Gallery



Galleri Kirk

“Leaving an Image Behind”
Groupshow at Galleri Kirk, Aalborg, March 7. – April 2015
Cathrine Raben Davidsen, Mie Olise, Morten Schelde, Maria Rubinke, Ivan Andersen, Rene Holm, Jacob Brostrup, Mie Mørkeberg, Eske Kath, Jonas Pihl
More info here

Red Horse Meditations, Viborg Kunsthal

Red Horse Meditations
Morten Schelde

7. februar – 3. maj 2015

Den danske billedkunstner Morten Schelde er kendt for sine surreelle tegninger og malerier, der forvandler velkendte omgivelser til gådefulde scenarier. I værkerne kombinerer han teknisk præcision med eventyrlige fabulerende historier og giver med afsæt i snart drøm, snart virkelighed, en anderledes refleksion af den verden, vi befinder os i.
Red Horse Meditations

I udstillingen Red Horse Meditations er skoven og bevægelsen gennem den et gennemgående tema. Schelde har skabt en fantastisk, tegnet verden af tæt bevoksning, dybe skovsøer, stejle bakker, vilde heste og børn i praktisk tøj og gummistøvler.

Alt er malet med en sort, flydende tuschfarve på papir fra gulv til loft, så man kan bevæge sig i mellem tegningerne, som mellem træerne i en skov.
Labyrintisk installation

Den labyrintiske installation af tegningerne, kombineret med rødmalede grene der breder sig i udstillingsrummet gør oplevelsen af udstillingen kompleks og kropslig. Der skabes en intim stemning, hvor tegningerne ophæver tyngdekraften, forskyder perspektivet, forvrænger proportionerne og sammenstiller motiver på uvante måder.

Scheldes værker rummer således en både kropslig og visuel invitation til at bevæge sig ind i skoven og forsøge at vikle de forskellige emotionelle, visuelle og narrative tråde ud.

Udstillingen omfatter desuden et stort udvalg af Scheldes seneste værker og er den største soloudstilling af kunstneren til dato.

Morten Schelde (f. 1972) er uddannet fra Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi i 2001. Han er repræsenteret på både danske og udenlandske museer og udstillingssteder, heriblandt Statens Museum for Kunst, Louisiana, Arken og Museum Der Bildenen Künste i Leipzig. Han har desuden skabt flere udsmykninger, bl.a. til Kronprinsparrets Palæ og Ros-kilde Universitetscenter (RUC).

Udstillingen er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.

Viborg Kunsthal
Riddergade 8
8800 Viborg

Republic of Fritz Hansen

I am showing my drawings at Republic of Fritz Hansen, in SoHo, NYC from November 18 and a couple of weeks on.
The adress is 22 Wooster Street.
Please contact Munch Gallery for info.

“New Works”

Stig Brøgger, Morten Buch, Pernille With Madsen, Jesper Rasmussen, Morten Schelde, Jasper Sebastian Stürup, Marijke van Warmerdam
7. november – 20. december 2014
Fernisering fredag 7. november 2014 kl. 17-19

“Red Noise Meditation”

Kunstforeningen Gammel Strand, Copenhagen
September 27 2014 – January 18 2015

The show will be accompanied by two new lithos which will be available in the museumshop.


Drømmeland / Dreamland @Kunsten, Aalborg, DK

In danish:

Udstillingen bliver vist
7. feb 2014 til 1. jun 2014
Søvnen overmander dig, og de indre kræfter tager over. Nu trylles billeder frem for dit indre blik – skræmmende, sjove eller måske chokerende – og du kan hverken zappe væk eller slukke. Du er i drømmenes magt.

I drømme flyder billederne frit og ucensureret. Kunstnere har gennem tiden været fascineret af de indre kræfter, som ikke kan kontrolleres. Og i de seneste år, hvor mange prøver at iscenesætte sig selv og bevare kontrollen, er interessen for det ubevidste blomstret op igen.

Den nye udstilling inviterer dig på en drømmerejse, hvor der bliver vendt op og ned på forestillingen om tid og rum. Her møder du en verden, der på én gang ligner vores egen, men som er noget helt andet.

Udstillingen er bygget op omkring forskellige værker, der strækker sig over det 20. århundredes kunsthistorie. Værkerne er dels fra KUNSTENs egen samling og dels lånt af museer, kunstnere og gallerier.
Deltagende kunstnere:

Randi og Katrine, Asger Jorn, FOS, Peter Land, Tove Storch, Harald Slott-Møller, Jonas Hvid Søndergaard, Andreas Schulenburg, Hesselholdt & Mejlvang, Christian Lemmerz, Michael Kvium, Harald Giersing, Nina Saunders, Morten Schelde, Peter Callesen, Ib Monrad Hansen, Jais Nielsen, Carl-Henning Pedersen, Else Alfelt, Julie Nord, Rikke Benborg, Pernille Rose Grønkjær & Astrid Kruse Jensen, Harry Carlson, Wilhelm Freddie, Annika von Hausswolff, Emil Westman Hertz mfl.

Between fact and fiction@Vane Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Kerstin Drechsel
Nick Fox
Simon Le Ruez
Dodda Maggý
Jock Mooney
Michael Mulvihill
Stephen Palmer
Narbi Price
Morten Schelde

30 January to 01 March

to Saturday

12:00pm to 5:00pm

‘Between fact and fiction’ juxtaposes artists who make work that documents real-life situations – Kerstin Drechsel, Michael Mulvihill, Stephen Palmer, and Narbi Price – with those that construct their own imaginary or fantasy worlds – Nick Fox, Simon Le Ruez, Dodda Maggý, Jock Mooney, and Morten Schelde.

More info here:

FORMAT art space

I show new woodcut prints as well as lithographs from the recent years.

January 24 – March 8, 2014
Nansensgade 35, Copenhagen K
Opening hours wed-friday 12-17, sat 11-15

Viborg Kunsthal

I’m happy to announce that I have been invited to do a solo show at Viborg Kunsthal. The dates are February 4 – May 3 2015.

The Memory Palace @ Munch Gallery

Opening Reception: Sunday, September 8 from 6-8 pm
Exhibition runs September 8 through October 13, 2013


Munch Gallery is proud to announce Morten Schelde’s Solo Exhibition ‘The Memory Palace’.

The exhibiton features all new work – large scale and smaller work in series – centered around his signature pencil drawings. Since his graduation from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark in 2001, Schelde has made a substantial impact on the Danish art scene by revisiting, rejuvenating and revising the art of drawing.

He has shown extensively in Europe in both galleries and museums, and the work is collected by prominent Danish museums. In 2009, he was asked to contribute to the refurbishment of the Frederik VIII’s Palace of the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess at Amalienborg by creating a site-specific mural. Schelde lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark, and is represented by gallery Susanne Ottesen.

This is the artist’s first solo exhibition in the U.S., and he will be present to discuss his work on the opening reception night Sunday, September 8.

The images form a collection of memories – old and new. Memories of a life lived – past and present – as life unfolds for you and for me. I recall things, places, moods. I reassemble them, create new contexts, in new spaces. Memories revealed and concealed, associated and contrived to create new meanings.

How is memory defined? When does it become a memory? When is it mine, and when is it yours? The world is a world of images. They will touch upon your life, in your context which is different from mine. And yet we have the image in common. and the memory. The world is a shared vastness of visual impressions which flow through you and I. The memories are yours and mine, and ours.

For me, drawing is remembrance. Drawing is physical and a physical gesture. Drawing is a corporeal action. The drawing has a body – a form that is a result of me creating, and you contemplating. The drawing is my memory and me recollecting. And you observing, and you reflecting. Drawing is mirroring a before and a now – simultaneously, it is a memory created and the creation of a memory.

August, 2013

The exhibition is supported by the Consulate General of Denmark in New York


Munch Gallery
245 Broome Street
New York, NY 10002


Solo show at Galleri Arnstedt 2013

Galleri Arnstedt
Postridarensväg 18
269 41 Östra Karup

Near Båstad, Sweden

Opening August 1. The show runs till August 21.

I will be showing recent works, paintings and works on paper.

Visit for furhther info.

In the side galleries: Kristina Eldon and Johanna Fjaestad.

“Flora Danica nyfortolkes”

In Danish:

“Alletiders Historie” på DR P1 om Flora Danica. Morten Schelde medvirker.
Lyt til udsendelsen (varighed 30:02 min)


Flora Danica

A short film on my contribution to the Flora Danica art project – english subtitles:

Holstebro Museum

I have an artwork in the show “Krig, Kunst og Danmark” (“War, Art and Denmark”):

Dahse Magazine

New York based magazine Dahse has a feature on my work in their fall/winter 2012/13 issue.


From Niels Borch Jensen’s print shop:

“Flora Danica – a new print project in collaboration with 10 Danish artists and the Natural History Museum of Denmark. The 10 artists will be working in the print shop the following months and we are looking forward to present the project at the exhibition Flora Danica, Geological Museum, Copenhagen, opening March 20, 2013. The new prints are all based on the original Flora Danica etchings.”

Artists include Tal R, John Kørner, Per Kirkeby and a few other, including myself.

Check Niels Borch Jensen on Facebook for further info.

Plans for 2013

The dates for my solo show at the Munch Gallery in New York City this year will be:
September 8 – October 13, 2013

Munch Gallery
245 Broome Street (at Ludlow St.)
New York, NY 10002

A solo exhibition at the Galleri Arnstedt near Båstad, Sweden opens August 1. Show runs untill August 21. More info to follow:

Efter Surrealismen (“After Surrealism”)

I have a painting in the exhibition “Efter Surrealismen” currently at Rønnebæksholm near Næstved, Denmark. This exhibition focuses partly on historical surrealism and attempts to identify surrealistic traits in contemporary Danish art. Participating artists include David Dellagi, Rikke Benborg, Kathrine Ærtebjerg, Julie Nord and Martin Bigum and several others.
Rønnebæksholm January 13 – March 17 2013

After Rønnebæksholm, the exhibition travels to the following venues:
Kunstbygningen i Vrå, March 24 – May 20 2013
MUSE®UM Kunst, Skive, September 7 2013 – January 5 2014
Vestjysk Kunstforening, Tistrup, January 11 – February 16 2014
Kunstforeningen Det Ny Kastet, Thisted, February 21 – March 30 2014

New litos finally here!

Check the available section to see the latest prints!

New litographies

This coming thursday, November 22, I’ll finally go to Hostrup-Petersen & Johansen to finish the last two prints I started in September. The largest print is available already from my website, as well as Galleri Susanne Ottesen and Permild & Rosengren here in Copenhagen.

Munch Gallery

I am pleased to announce that I am now collaborating with Munch Gallery in New York City. A solo exhibition is in the planning, fall 2013.

At the moment, prints are available in the gallery.

More info about Munch Gallery here.

New etchings available @ Susanne Ottesen

I’ve worked on a series of prints at Niels Borch Jensen’s workshop in Copenhagen over the summer. The series consists of 10 new prints and is entitled Deep Purple Rain.
Edition of 24 + 4 E.A.
It is available through Galleri Susanne Ottesen in Copenhagen and will ship to Munch Gallery, NYC, this fall.

This print: untitled from the Deep Purple Rain series, plate 24 X 17 cm, paper 48 X 39 cm, edition of 24 + 4 E.A., 2012

New prints @ Niels Borch Jensen’s showroom

MORTEN SCHELDE First Friday October 5 17-20
Schelde is in the print shop working and talking form 18-20.
We show his new etchings in the Showroom

Prags Boulevard 49 E 11
2300 Copenhagen, Denmark

Video of “The Neighbour”, 2012

This is an animated version of my drawing “The Neighbour”, pencil on paper, size 150X200 cm, 2012. Music and images © Morten Schelde

Drawing courtesy of Susanne Ottesen Gallery, Copenhagen.


Danish rock act Juncker has used my image “The Glorious Defeat” for his new album, entitled “Noia Noia”. Check out

Leap of Faith – Children of Suburbia IV

Solo exhibition @ Galleri Susanne Ottesen

24. February – 7. April 2012

Opening friday 24. February 5-7 pm

Galleri Susanne Ottesen
Gothersgade 49, DK-1123 København K

Opening hours tuesday – friday 10am-6pm, saturday 11am-3pm

Press release:

Morten Schelde

Leap of Faith – Children of Suburbia IV

Morten Schelde’s Leap of Faith at Galleri Susanne Ottesen is his first major solo exhibition since the completion of his site specific work at The Royal Palace, Amalienborg in Copenhagen. MS’s new paintings bring us deeper into his universe and depict how he has continued the development of his work in painting, theme and method.

Like an explorer MS experiments with our perception of reality, spatial understanding and experience. Comforting homes, deep forests, wild wolves, staircases which lure us from room to room mix imperceptibly and mesh with cultural references. The works produce spatial situations, which instill uncertainty if what we see are real, emotional or imaginary spaces. Essentially it is important that we are allowed our own perceptual space for ourselves to induce meanings and experiences.

The home in MS suburban investigations is an expression of the physical framework of our lives but also of the mental and emotional spaces, which bonds to our perception of home, family and personal values. Experiences are individual and manifest themselves in relation to time and space. In the works of MS spaces and proportions become structures, which variably enhance and decrease these cognitive spaces and integrate them as a common realization in a visual universe. Leap of Faith reveals this universe to us – a universe, which might be MS’s but also our own – we are hereby invited to consider our experiences and values of what is important to us and what we as human-beings have in common.

Pink Lady

Pink Lady
7. september – 5. november 2011

artgalerie an der elbphilharmonie
Am Kaiserkai 56
20457 Hamburg

Tel: +49 (0) 40 360 984 82
Mobil: +49 (0) 162 1068 152

Mittwoch – Freitag 11–15 Uhr
Samstag 11–14 Uhr
oder nach Vereinbarung:
+49 (0) 162 1068 152
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf!

Deutsche Welle


Art for the Royal Family
– about the Decoration of the Crown Prince Couple’s Amalienborg

The Danish Crown Prince Couple, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, have just taken possession of a new residence at Amalienborg in Copenhagen. After years of refurbishment Frederik VIII’s Palace is again ready for occupation – renovated in accordance with its several-hundred-year-old rococo and late Empire architecture. Not everything looks the way it did in the past, as the Crown Prince Couple has asked ten of Denmark’s prominent contemporary artists to decorate a room each in the palace. The result is an inspiring encounter between the classical architecture and innovative contemporary art.

Royal Artists
With the exhibition Art for the Royal Family – about the Decoration of the Crown Prince Couple’s Amalienborg ARoS turns its focus to the ten artists who created the art decorations in the royal palace. In the exhibition film, sculpture, painting, installation art, drawings and other sources of inspiration provide the reference frames that serve to map out the identity of these artists and establish how each of them carried out the commission at Amalienborg that they had been entrusted with.

Participating Artists
Kaspar Bonnén, Jesper Christiansen, Olafur Eliasson, Erik A. Frandsen, Signe Guttormsen, Eske Kath, John Kørner, Tal R, Morten Schelde and Kathrine Ærtebjerg.

2/10-2010 10:00 to 30/12-2010

ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum
Aros Allé 2
DK-8000 Århus C

P: +45 8730 6600

Galerie Niels Borch Jensen

Etwas viele, bißschen langweilige, ganz kleine Radierungen

11. september – 30. october 2010

Galerie Niels Borch Jensen
Lindenstraße 34, 10969 Berlin

Galleri Arnstedt – Östra Karup

MORTEN SCHELDE – ” Alchemy in Reverse”

Projektrum I : ” The Tracks of my Tears” Axel Petersén i samarbete med Arild Andersson
Projektrum II : Anna Nordquist Andersson

Nya verk av: Peter Frie, Jens Fänge, Jarl Ingvarsson

Vernissage den 5 augusti kl 17 – 19

utställningen pågår tom den 29 augusti
öppet ti – sön 12 – 17 eller efter överenskommelse

Arnstedt – Östra Karup – Båstad

Opening of Frederik VIII’s Palace to the public

Opening of Frederik VIII’s Palace to the public

Before the Crown Prince and Crown Princess move into the palace, it will be open to the public from 27 February to 30 May 2010. The public will be able to see the results of the refurbishment, the elegant interiors and the many new works of art commissioned especially for the palace. The opening will include two main floors of the palace – the ground floor and first floor – which in the future will be used for official receptions.

Wheelchair users will be able to access both floors.

Photography and filming is not allowed without a special permission.

Period of access:
27 February – 30 May 2010

Opening hours:
Tuesday–Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.

DKK 40.00 (children 14 and under: free).

Tickets are sold at the entrance.


Museum of Art in Public Spaces / KØS: Kunst til de Kongelige

Kunst til de Kongelige
– en udstilling om udsmykningen i kronprinsparrets palæ

nørregade 29
dk 4600 køge

10. marts – 19. september 2010

10 af Danmarks førende kunstnere har skabt værker til Kronprins Frederik og Kronprinsesse Marys bolig på Amalienborg. På udstillingen går vi bag om processen fra udvælgelse af kunstnere til det færdige værk. Vi følger hver enkelt kunstner og viser de bygningsintegrerede udsmykningerne i Eigtveds Amalienborg set med kunstnernes øjne.

Skitser og modeller
Kunstnerne har doneret alle deres skitser og modeller til KØS og på udstillingen kan man bla. opleve Kathrine Ærtebjergs gigantiske skitser til anretterkøkkenet inden de skiftede farve, Kasper Bonnéns digitale univers inden han gik i gang med at male eller Erik A. Frandsens prøver på metal inden det for alvor lykkedes at lave blomster til spejlene i slottets spejlsal.

Interview og film
Udstillingen viser både interview og film med hver enkelt kunstner optaget mens de var i gang med værkerne på slottet. Filmene er produceret i samarbejde med DR og fortæller med kunstnerens egne ord, hvor inspirationen er fundet og hvilke udfordringer, der har været undervejs.

De ti kunstnere
Erik A. Frandsen /Eske Kath /Jesper Christiansen/John Kørner / Kaspar Bonnén / Kathrine
Ærtebjerg / Morten Schelde /Olafur Eliasson /Signe Guttormsen / Tal R

(DK) Amalienborg udsmykning

Åbning for offentligheden af Frederik 8.s Palæ

Frederik 8.s Palæ er i de sidste fem år blevet gennemgribende istandsat. Palæet skal danne ramme om kronprinsparrets private bolig samt administrative og repræsentative funktioner.

Inden kronprinsparret flytter ind i palæet, bliver det fra den 27. februar til 30. maj 2010 åbnet for offentligheden. Publikum kan opleve resultaterne af istandsættelsen, de elegante interiører og de mange nye kunstværker, der er lavet specielt til palæet. Åbningen vil omfatte stue- og beletage, der er palæets to hovedetager, og som i fremtiden vil blive brugt repræsentativt.

Der vil være adgang for kørestolsbrugere til begge etager.
Åbningstider og priser

Tidspunkt: 27. februar – 30. maj 2010
Åbningstider: tirsdag-søndag kl. 10-17, onsdag dog 10-21.
Entré: 40 kr. (børn til og med 14 år gratis adgang).

Kilde: Slots- og Ejendomsstyrelsen,

Morten Schelde @ Rønnebæksholm

I am showing works from the past 10 years, drawings, prints and paintings.
A catalogue with a text by curator Dina Vester Feilberg will be available on the opening.

Groupshow: KURS Havnen, Køge Skitsesamling (KØS)

Groupshow: A room inside them/Newcastle Upon Tyne

A room inside them

Paul Becker Claire Davies Kerstin Drechsel Jorn Ebner Nadia Hebson Andrew McDonald
Jock Mooney Stephen Palmer Josué Pellot Morten Schelde Alison Unsworth

2 July – 1 August 2009

Preview: Wednesday 1 July 6-8pm

Gallery open: Wednesday – Saturday 12noon – 5pm

Kings House
Forth Banks
Newcastle upon Tyne
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 261 8281

Groupshow: Close Encounters/Holland

Close Encounters at the Blokhuispoort, Leeuwarden in June 2009
May 31 – July 5, 2009
Blokhuispoort, Leeuwarden, Blokhuisplein 40


Groupshow: HUMAN/NATURE/MACHINE, Copenhagen

I participate in HUMAN/NATURE/MACHINE groupshow at Wonderland Art Space, Absalonsgade 21b, Copenhagen


Opening 24. April 2009 17.00 – 22.00

24. april – 25. maj 2009

Sebastiaan Bremer (US), Jean-Pierre Roy (US), Alex Dodge (US), Jonathan Allen (US), Justin Francavilla (US), Morten Schelde (DK), Trine Boesen (DK), Astrid Kruse Jensen (DK), Mikkel Olaf Eskildsen (DK) og June Pilaiporn Pethrith (DK).

WAS AFTERPARTY d. 24 april 22-05:

Location: Kulturhus, Ahlefeldtsgade 33, 1359 Kbh K ( Nansensgade )
DJs: DJ Marcelino, David Lange & Jean Von Baden
VJs: SameSame, Ulle Luv & Simon Værth
Live set: SURPRICE

In the Woods

“In the Woods”, Vane Gallery, Newcastle, England
“In the Woods”, Sandford Goudie Gallery, South Shields, England

Opening february 19 (Vane) & february 20 (Goudie) – march 28 2009

A catalogue with a text by Mike Golding will be available.

Soloshow in Bordeaux 2008-9

Diaries from the Plastic Vortex

Galerie Ilka Bree
7 Rue Cornac
F-33000 Bordeaux

28. november 2008 – 13. february 2009